Building Sciences | Asbestos & Lead Paint Services
Converse provides a wide spectrum of professional asbestos services, including demolition and renovation surveys, identification and quantification of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) to final clearance after an abatement.
Asbestos is regulated by Federal, State and local regulatory agencies including many services that are provided by a consultant. Many state and local laws require owners to disclose the presence of ACM to potential property buyers and also facility occupants. Friable asbestos materials must be removed before renovation or demolition activities; however, when appropriate, protective measures and an operation and maintenance (O&M) management plan can preclude the need for abatement. Asbestos management is complicated by considerations for toxic tort law and made urgent by potential liability and financial exposure. Converse’s monitoring and management services are designed to provide our clients with the confidence that the asbestos removal is performed in compliance with the federal, state and local statutes and in a manner that will not endanger the surrounding work place.
Converse requires that asbestos projects are undertaken in compliance with the provisions established by the Federal William-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1971 (OSHA) and the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs), as well as applicable state and local statutes. In order to establish this compliance, Converse's asbestos personnel have earned and maintained levels of certified Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) training appropriate to their assigned task and are required to observe specific health and safety programs applicable to their technical area. Nevada projects are managed by professional Nevada Certified Asbestos Consultants. Clark County (Las Vegas) and Washoe County (Reno/Sparks) have additional requirements under regional Air Quality Management divisions. California projects are managed by State Certified Asbestos Consultants and Certified Site Surveillance Technicians and have additional requirements under the various Air Quality Management Districts (AQMD).
Converse’s trained and certified professionals provide asbestos renovation and demolition surveys, abatement plans and specifications, air monitoring, oversight, and O&M plans. Converse provides asbestos services for properties ranging from residential/commercial renovation or demolition projects to large scale industrial and military instillations. Converse can service asbestos needs in many states and various jurisdictions which may have regional specific requirements for testing and abatement, as well as states and regions which do not have specific requirements and fall under federal asbestos regulations.
Lead-Based Paint
Converse provides professional services for lead-based paint (LBP), including HUD/EPA LBP inspections, EPA lead risk assessments, private party lead assessments of residential and commercial buildings, preparation of construction abatement specifications and final clearance after abatement. It is important to differentiate LBP from lead-containing paint (LCP), which is paint containing lead that is not regulated by EPA but does fall under OSHA exposure regulations.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Title X is the primary authority over LBP in target housing. Title X provides for a comprehensive national structure of activities intended to reduce LBP hazards in housing and includes the framework for the evaluation, reduction and standards of care for LBP management. The EPA's Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP Rule) lowers the risk of lead contamination from home renovation activities by requiring firms performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb LBP in homes, child care facilities and pre-schools built before 1978 be certified by EPA and use EPA certified renovators who follow lead-safe work practices. Converse understands state and local regulations for LBP, such as the more stringent definitions of a LBP for the Counties of Alameda and Los Angeles, and City of San Diego, and California Department of Public Health’s requirement for certification of professional consultants. Converse Consultants is a registered Lead-Based Paint Consultant with EPA. Our certified LBP inspectors and risk assessors are trained to use the latest technology available for LBP detection including x-ray fluorescence analyzers (XRF) which can determine lead levels in paint without damaging painted surfaces.
Hazardous Building Materials Survey
Combining the above described elements including an asbestos survey and LBP inspection our Hazardous Building Materials Survey (HBMS) is a comprehensive document that includes inventorying and sometimes testing for hazardous materials that are often found in older buildings including polychlorinated biphenyl’s (PCB’s), mercury, refrigerant, exit light batteries and minor source radioactive fixtures such as smoke detectors. Typically, our HBMS are used for demolition or renovation of buildings where a complete “gut” is planned. This allows the construction company to quickly and efficiently identify and quantify hazardous materials that must be removed or properly disposed before construction activities begin.